Friday, March 6, 2009

"Which country has the greenest bail-out?"

Which country has the greenest bail-out?

The enclosed link represents the amount of government spending on greening a country's economy all over the developed world. This chart is rather interesting because it compares our efforts to our neighbors in the move towards lowering carbon emissions. We have been consuming energy and spending it like no other country in the world, so why are other countries making more of an effort to relieve the globe of carbon emissions? It is our duty and our prerogative to lead the world by example. The United States needs to focus on this issue and create a green economy that would receive more attention than what is allotted in the latest Stimulus Package.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still not convinced carbon is the problem. To me "green" science is and should be what it always has been - preservation of greenspace, stopping chemical and biological pollutants (from horse manure to benzene) and preserving biodiversity as much as possible without harming mankind. I'm not comfortable with politicizing any science, including stem-cell research and climatology. Let the data confirm the conclusions, not the other way around.
