Thursday, March 19, 2009

EPA proposal: Report GHG emissions

The EPA just poropsed a rule that suppliers of almost 85-90% of GHG emissions in the country would have to report the amount of GHG they emit per year. According to the EPA's press release, the draft rule would require about 13,000 facilities to report greenhouse gas emissions.

This comes at a necessary time in our country, as we prepare ourselves for a new Cap and Trade market. The EPA must think ahead of Europe and have organized, detailed information when dealing with the new carbon offset market. In Europe, the first phase of Kyoto did not accomplish what was intended; they did not reduce the amount of carbon emissions as they sought out to do, which has made the EU anxious to start a methodical system. It would be in our best interest to make this proposal a mandatory requirement for suppliers to count GHG emissions, because this would solve the initial problem of figuring out the exact number of dirty polluters.

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