Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards in New York


Currently, NYSERDA, a New York State funded entity, buys the renewable energy certificates from renewable energy power providers in the State. Retail energy suppliers buy renewable energy certificates from NYSERDA in order to add the regulated Renewable Portfolio Standards into their energy price offerings.
This system is vulnerable because the amount of money spent on these renewable energy projects can change every year if NYSERDA decides to restructure their budget and cut certain programs. I believe that third parties should be able to buy renewable energy certificates outside of States entities. The ESCO’s should be able to buy energy directly from renewable energy power providers. The process should not involve any State agencies.
New England third party suppliers buy their renewable portfolio requirements from renewable energy providers which guarantee that renewable energy projects will have a continued existence in the market and will not be susceptible to State rules or changes.

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