Monday, April 6, 2009

Global Warming

The New Administration is prepared to mandate a federal cap and trade program in 2010.While the cap and trade will be on all GHG emissions, namely carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and sulphur , the focus is on carbon dioxide - CO2. Carbon Dioxide is the GHG that is MOST responsible for global warming, so carbon allowances and carbon permits are the terms that the media keeps talking about.

GHG comes from a number of different sources. Here are some of sources for the most common human induced GHG emissions:

1.fossil fuels in cars
3.electricity production.
4.methane released from landfills
5.agriculture - and the digestive systems of grazing animals
6.nitrous oxide from fertilizers
7.gases used for refrigeration and industrial processes
8.the loss of forests that would otherwise store CO2

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