The leaders of the most powerful nations came together in Copenhagen to draw up a treaty on how to address climate change. Depending on individual opinion and individual political agendas, the outcome could be viewed as "moderate' at best. Environmental Justice Groups and NGO's focusing on climate change reduction were likely disappointed that the treaty did not enforce a legally binding commitment. However, the leaders decided to "take note" of the accord -- which is still progress when considering the political climate only a few years ago.
In retrospect, I believe the world is turning in the right direction. Change is here, but any significant change comes with due time. Everyone knows that most things that change immediately do not last. We can be thankful that this change is happening, albeit slowly. Although the Copenhagen agreement is not legally binding, the energy devoted to Copenhagen and the counterpart climate talks and conferences smacks of a new tune across the world. There is now a massive audience of people and new companies and organizations that are devoted to changing the way they live and use energy. Many nations are already pursuing their own cap and trade systems and encouraging tax subsidies so that polluters will be forced to reduce their carbon footprint.